Calendar 2
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​Junior Vice Commandant, Dan Bishop is responsible for detachment recruiting. In speaking with former Marines, FMF corpsmen, or Navy chaplains, do not hesitate to relay any information you might have concerning their interest in joining us, to Dan. We are all recruiters.

Send your photos of events you have attended to Carrieann Dymon Bailey to be included in our website.  or cell 1-860-335-7456

Help us by supporting our advertisers

Remember your Devil Dog Coins - $10/ea (you don't have to be a Dog to purchase)-- See B. Dupee - Proceeds go to a Children's Hospital

Soda/Beer Can Tabs - Bring your tabs to the Det. --Help support children's hospitals.

Life Memberships -- See Dan Bishop or Joe Delaney at the Det. for more info.

Online Exchange Benefits officially open to Veterans: Marines: or Navy / Army & Airforce -- benefits for online purchases only.